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MS Office 365 Account Global 1 Device

First, sign in the site www.office.com with ID and PW you got, and download office 365. Next, re-login your ID and PW, then you can use office 365.
MS Office 365 Account Global 1 Device

EUR 24.36

EUR 99.00

Plataforma: PC
United States United Kingdom Germany  Italy Spain Portugal Poland France Turkey Russia Japan Korea China Global
Etiquetas: Software
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Descripción del producto

Note:This is Account, Not code. Set your Off Account by clicking here If you buy this product, you will get a ms account which has off 365 activated in it.


MS Off 365 Account for 1 Device

Get the latest MS Off software now!

After paymentYou will be sent the login details of the Off 365 Account with Email, you will receive details for your subscription to your Off 365 account with simple instructions on how to download, install and register/activate your copy of MS Off software.​​​​​​​

Product Description

Off 365 gives you access to the latest available MS Off suite of applications. Off 365 allows you to FREE upgrade whenever MS releases a newer version of Off in the future.

With this, you can get all your favourite MS Off applications including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access,Outlook, Publisher and MUCH MORE!!! 

Product Features:

l  Multi language support

l  Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, Outlook, Publisher, Skype for business

l  One-year subscription to a single user and a singledevice.

Please Note:

​​​​​This is a NEW account, there is no CD/DVD, physical copy, license key orserial code!If you get any questions or concerns, please send us a message before buying.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Q. How does it work?

A. You will get an account email & account password, and then you will need to log in here with this account email 

and password (PS: you can only change account password ,can not change it to your account name or email)

Q: Are these licenses legitimate?

A:  Yes, the licenses are legitimate and authentic. The license is a business license which forms part of an academic license.

Q: Can I seek MS customer care help if needed in the future?

A: Yes, you can get support directly from MS.

Q. What operating system does it support?

A. Licenses work on both x86 (32bit) and x64 (64bit) versions of Win (7 or later) and also Mac (OS 10.10 or later). 

Q. Can I use this with Android and iPhones or iPads?

A. Yes, download the relevant apps from the app store and login in with the account to activate on your device.

Q. I have an older version of Off already installed on my device, What should I do?

A. We recommend removing this before installing any applications from the new account

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